Music, dancing: Restaurant owners say they need a change in Providence

Updated at 10 a.m. on Dec. 16.

RICK SIMONE, pictured along Federal Hill in Providence in 2023, is president of the Federal Hill Commerce Association and managing director of the Rhode Island Small Business Coalition. He supports easing music and dancing restrictions at Providence restaurants. PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
RICK SIMONE, pictured along Federal Hill in Providence in 2023, is president of the Federal Hill Commerce Association and managing director of the Rhode Island Small Business Coalition. He supports easing music and dancing restrictions at Providence restaurants. PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Providence City Council President Rachel M. Miller has put on hold a proposal to loosen music and dancing restrictions at restaurants citywide after some residents expressed fears about increased noise, but restaurant owners say they’ll continue to lobby for changes, insisting that they need them to attract customers. Miller had proposed rewriting an ordinance on

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