Margaret Brooks | Rhode Island Jump$tart Coalition and Rhode Island Council for Economic Education president, Center for Economic Education at Bridgewater State University director
Collaboration is powerful because it brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue a shared vision.
I am fortunate to lead the Rhode Island Jump$tart Coalition and the Rhode Island Council for Economic Education in organizing conferences every year for the last five at Rhode Island College that have brought together dozens of sponsors – including financial institutions and state agencies – and hundreds of participants who are seeking to improve financial capability in our state and region.
Through my nonprofit initiatives, I have seen first-hand the value of establishing partnerships:
• Partnerships facilitate engagement. People who really care about the issue, service or product your business provides are encouraged to join and support your enterprise.
• Partnerships expand outreach. Partners have the potential to broadcast your message in different ways, reaching more members of the public and bringing like-minded supporters together.
• Partnerships generate recognition and good will. Partners who are publicly thanked for their contributions are recognized, thus facilitating long-term relationships with your company or organization.
In today’s world, there are many forces competing for people’s attention, especially through social media. The recent increase in financial literacy partnerships in our state has facilitated a growing awareness of their importance, especially in our schools.
Clearly, our financial literacy programs have demonstrated the tremendous value of partnerships. They position corporate, nonprofit and government leaders to present a strong, unified message that can benefit diverse populations.
As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers.