PPS’ annual house tour to focus on Fox Point

THE PPS TOUR takes visitors inside historic homes they usually can see only from the street or sidewalk. /
THE PPS TOUR takes visitors inside historic homes they usually can see only from the street or sidewalk. /

PROVIDENCE – The Providence Preservation Society is gearing up for its 29th annual Festival of Historic Houses, which this year will feature houses in Providence’s Fox Point neighborhood.

In a statement, PPS interim Executive Director Victoria Veh said the festival offered visitors has through the years a look behind “otherwise-closed doors.”

The neighborhood is one of Rhode Island’s oldest. It was the site of Roger Williams’ first landing – where he famously said “What cheer, netop?” – after his banishment from Massachusetts. And it was part of the first European settlement, in the early 17th century, according to PPS.

The two-day festival begins Friday, June 6, and will be an opportunity for visitors to meet incoming PPS Executive Director George Born. (READ MORE) Born, who starts the job that week, is slated to attend a Friday-night reception in the 1835 Moses Brown Ives House.

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The Providence Preservation Society, founded in 1956, is a nonprofit membership organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life in the city of Providence through historic preservation and the enhancement of the building environment. For more information, visit www.ppsri.org.

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