R.I. firm looks to upend vasectomy procedures

FIRST CUSTOMER? William Prentice, CEO of Providence-based Signati Medical Inc., displays the company’s noninvasive vasectomy device. He says he’s considering being its first official user and have the procedure filmed for TV, if the technology gets regulatory approval. 
FIRST CUSTOMER? William Prentice, CEO of Providence-based Signati Medical Inc., displays the company’s noninvasive vasectomy device. He says he’s considering being its first official user and have the procedure filmed for TV, if the technology gets regulatory approval. 

For the last two decades, little has changed in the way vasectomies are performed, a procedure that more than 500,000 men undergo annually. Providence-based Signati Medical Inc. is aiming to change that. On April 5, the medtech company started a trial study at Louisiana State University Medical Center in New Orleans, with doctors conducting a

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