R.I.’s medtech innovators get much-needed support

BRAINSTORMING: New England Medical Innovation Center founders and managing partners Aidan Petrie, left, and Lydia Shin Schroter, second from left, lead a brainstorming session with staff members Danielle Sturm, second from right, marketing and communications manager, and Maey Petrie, program coordinator, at the organization’s Providence office.
BRAINSTORMING: New England Medical Innovation Center founders and managing partners Aidan Petrie, left, and Lydia Shin Schroter, second from left, lead a brainstorming session with staff members Danielle Sturm, second from right, marketing and communications manager, and Maey Petrie, program coordinator, at the organization’s Providence office.

Fresh ideas are at the core of the medical-technology industry, but as Aidan Petrie saw during his tenure as chief innovation officer at Providence-based Ximedica LLC, even the most dazzling concepts are dependent on knowing how to navigate a highly regulated field. Education can mean the difference between an idea that never takes off and

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