Screening could be part of returning to work

THERMAL SCREENING: Joey Cianci, a Paolino Properties employee, goes through a body temperature check in the lobby of 100 Westminster St. in Providence. Landlord Paolino Properties is requiring employees and visitors to undergo a scan from the equipment at right. / COURTESY PAOLINO PROPERTIES
THERMAL SCREENING: Joey Cianci, a Paolino Properties employee, goes through a body temperature check in the lobby of 100 Westminster St. in Providence. Landlord Paolino Properties is requiring employees and visitors to undergo a scan from the equipment at right. / COURTESY PAOLINO PROPERTIES

The reopening of work will bring many changes, but one has already started in manufacturing plants and on construction sites and before or after work shifts across Rhode Island. The taking of body temperatures of employees and visitors, once unheard of, has become a common screening fixture of the workplace. In the lobby of the

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