Some Americans have become saddled with credit card debt as rent, everyday prices remain high 

NOTICEABLE POCKETS of Americans – renters, and lower- and middle-income borrowers – are running up their credit cards balances, and increasing numbers are falling behind on their debts. It’s the latest sign that while the U.S. economy is broadly healthy, the last two years of inflation have sapped much of the savings of vulnerable Americans, possibly leading to further deterioration of their financial health this year.  ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO/MATT ROURKE

NEW YORK (AP) – While the U.S. economy is broadly healthy, pockets of Americans have run through their savings and run up their credit card balances after battling inflation for more than two years.  Experts worry that members of these groups — mostly lower- and middle-income Americans, who tend to be renters — are falling behind

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