Sprout Coworking expands footprint at Rising Sun Mills campus

SPROUT COWORKING LLC will add seven private offices to its Rising Sun Mills campus in Providence this month, doubling its footprint to 9,000 square feet.
SPROUT COWORKING LLC will add seven private offices to its Rising Sun Mills campus in Providence this month, doubling its footprint to 9,000 square feet.

PROVIDENCE – Sprout Coworking LLC will expand its footprint in the Rising Sun Mills campus of Providence, doubling its size to 9,000 square feet this month.

The company announced its expansion, which will provide another seven additional private offices, in a news release.

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The space also will include 1,500 square feet for flexible seating and co-working, another eight- to 10-person conference room and will double as an event space.

The waiting list for private offices will open on Jan. 29 on a first-come, first-served basis.

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Sprout opened two years ago at 166 Valley St. in Providence. The company provides work and meeting space for individuals, organizations and teams including remote workers, freelancers and entrepreneurs.

Mary MacDonald is a staff writer for the PBN. Contact her at macdonald@pbn.com.

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