Study shows R.I. hospitality industry took $114M hit after Washington Bridge partially closed

A NEW REPORT from the Rhode Island Hospitality Association and Salve Regina University students notes that the state's hospitality industry took a $114 million economic hit in the 12 months after the Washington Bridge partially closed. / PBN FILE PHOTO/WILLIAM HAMILTON
A NEW REPORT from the Rhode Island Hospitality Association and Salve Regina University students notes that the state's hospitality industry took a $114 million economic hit in the 12 months after the Washington Bridge partially closed. / PBN FILE PHOTO/WILLIAM HAMILTON

PROVIDENCE – A new joint report from the Rhode Island Hospitality Association and Salve Regina University econometrics students projects the state has taken a major negative economic hit not only as a result of the ongoing partial closure of the Washington Bridge thus far but how much worse it may get four years from now.

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