Wednesday, September 11, 2024


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Tag: Block Island

ØRSTED A/S WIND company announced Thursday it’s moving its U.S. co-headquarters from Exchange Terrace location to a larger, 17,470-square foot location at 500 Exchange St. to open new U.S. Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Hub. /COURTESY ØRSTED A/S

Orsted to expand Providence HQ to include engineering, procurement, construction hub

PROVIDENCE – Orsted A/S is expanding its presence in Rhode Island.  The Danish offshore wind company announced Thursday that it’s moving its U.S. co-headquarters from...

Conservancy permanently protects 2 R.I. coastal properties

PROVIDENCE – The Nature Conservancy on Wednesday announced the permanent conservation of two coastal properties that the agency said will protect clean water, wildlife...
ICE POPS: Emma Andy and Bobby Welch hold some of the frozen treats available at their Blocksicle LLC ice-pop shop on Block Island.

Block Island ice-pop shop offers variety of colorful frozen treats

Chances are that anyone who steps off the Block Island Ferry will be greeted with the vibrant colors of Blocksicle’s frozen treats. Located within the...

Ørsted adds $5.5M in higher ed grants to R.I. offshore wind...

PROVIDENCE – Ørsted A/S plans to award $5.5 million in grants to three higher education institutions in Rhode Island as part of its proposed...
ORSTED A/S has submitted plans to Rhode Island Energy for a new offshore wind farm, Starboard Wind, a 1,184-megawatt farm that would power 600,000 homes across Rhode Island and Connecticut. / COURTESY ORSTED U.S. OFFSHORE WIND

R.I. Energy fields four large-scale offshore wind farm proposals

PROVIDENCE – Four developers are seeking to add to Rhode Island’s offshore wind plans. Rhode Island Energy announced Wednesday that Avangrid Renewables LLC, Orsted A/S,...

Fitch upgrades RIAC bond rating to ‘A-’

PROVIDENCE – The R.I. Airport Corp. has scored a financial hat trick this year. Fitch Ratings on Monday upgraded the quasi-public agency's $57 million of...
VVO REAL ESTATE Holding LLC presented plans to rebuild the Harborside Inn on Block Island to the New Shoreham Historic District Commission on Nov. 27, WJAR-TV NBC 10 reported.  / PBN FILE PHOTO/DAVID LEVESQUE

Harborside Inn owners submit preliminary plans to rebuild on Block Island

PROVIDENCE – Three months after the historic hotel was destroyed by a fire, early plans have been introduced to rebuild the Harborside Inn on...

Newport, B.I. preservation groups sue to stop offshore wind farms, saying...

NEWPORT – Decrying what it calls the fast-tracking of hundreds of skyscraper-high structures that would dwarf the Statue of Liberty, the Preservation Society of...
WHEN THE HARBORSIDE INN was destroyed by fire in August, it put a temporary dent in the number of visits to Block Island because it also damaged booking operations that also served other hotels and accomodations. Those operations were located at the Harborside Inn. / PBN FILE PHOTO/DAVID LEVESQUE

Bad weather, fire have chilling effect for some on Block Island

Rainy weekends, a hotel fire and stormy seas appear to have helped dampen the summer tourism season for Block Island business owners, but the...

Block Island Ferry resumes service after 4 days of rough seas

PROVIDENCE – The Block Island Ferry is up and running again.  The service that takes passengers from the island back to Point Judith announced Wednesday...
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