Tuesday, October 8, 2024


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Tag: burnout


Balance avoids burnout

Revive has been on a mission to tackle the mental health crisis that continues to plague our communities. As business and community leaders, we all...

Low on energy?

Have you or any employees recently felt burned out on the job? Yes: 50% No: 50% Unsure: 0% What do you feel may have contributed to employee burnout?...
BATTLING BURNOUT: On April 26, union nurses and other employees at Women & Infants Hospital protested a new policy preventing front-line caregivers from taking holiday vacation time. The hospital is one of many employers dealing with pandemic-induced staffing shortages. / COURTESY WOMEN & INFANTS HOSPITAL

Stay true to your mission and culture amid staff shortages

Pandemic-induced burnout is building in many workplaces, as staff shortages pressure already-stressed workers left to manage fallout from the “Great Resignation.” On April 26, union...

Virtual summit addresses physician burnout

A second summit in this series on Sept. 9 will focus on all workers in the health care industry. Encouraging health care professionals to take...

Virtual summit addresses physician burnout, advises steps to restore health

PROVIDENCE – Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, United States physicians had been experiencing job-related burnout at rates of 40%, and many have dropped out...
FRUSTRATION FACTOR: Brown Medicine rheumatologist Dr. Deepan Dalal, left, and David Hemendinger, the practice’s chief information officer, say the time-consuming process of filling out electronic medical records might be contributing to physician burnout. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Searching for a remedy for physician burnout

Doctor appointments are rarely fun, but the prospect of visiting with a rushed, curt physician only makes it worse.  So why are unsatisfactory interactions with...
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