Saturday, February 15, 2025


Home Tags COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States

Tag: COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States

OBSERVERS SAY Gov. Daniel J. McKee's handling of the Washington Bridge has damaged his job approval rating, and it might not be just a memory when the gubernatorial election takes place in two years. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Will McKee’s low job approval rating remain a problem for next...

The partial closure of the Washington Bridge and the need to rebuild it may be causing headaches for commuters and nearby businesses, but the...

Are you satisfied with the job Gov. Daniel J. McKee is...

A recent poll from the COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States found 37% of respondents approved of Gov. Daniel J....
GOV. DANIEL J. MCKEE’S job approval rating is 37% in the COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States latest poll conducted between April and May. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Poll: McKee’s job approval rating at 37%

PROVIDENCE – Gov. Daniel J. McKee’s job approval rating is in line with his fellow New England governors, according to a poll from the...
RHODE ISLAND residents had more faith in their state and local governments, including Daniel J. McKee than they did with federal lawmakers in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, according to  according to a poll from the COVID-19 Consortium for Understanding the Public’s Policy Preferences Across States. / AP FILE PHOTO

Survey: R.I. residents trusted state, local governments more than federal in...

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island residents had more faith in their state and local governments than they did in federal lawmakers in handling the COVID-19...
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