Thursday, September 19, 2024


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Tag: Sabina Matos

Providence extends #ReThinkPVD campaign to aid local vendors

PROVIDENCE – The city has extended the #ReThinkPVD campaign through Jan. 1 to aid local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mayor Jorge O. Elorza...

Providence City Council calls for new standards on tax breaks to...

PROVIDENCE – The City Council is reviving efforts to create a more-streamlined and objective process for when and how it gives tax breaks to...
ITALIAN FLAVOR: Restaurants along the normally heavily trafficked Atwells Avenue in Providence have reported about 90% of their capacity booked in advance during the recently launched “Al Fresco On The Hill” dining initiative. / COURTESY FEDERAL HILL COMMERCE ASSOCIATION

Al fresco means survival for restaurants on Federal Hill

Rick Simone doesn’t mince words when it comes to the success of closing part of Atwells ­Avenue in Providence on Friday and Saturday nights...
PROVIDENCE MAYOR Jorge O. Elorza is warning that a new R.I. Supreme Court ruling will create "ballooning pension payments" for the city. PBN FILE PHOTO/STEPHANIE ALVAREZ EWENS

Providence could be hit with ‘ballooning pension payments’ after court ruling

PROVIDENCE – Amid the financial hardships posed by COVID-19, the city has been hit with a new expense: up to seven years of cost-of-living...

Providence strikes ‘plantations’ from city documents, ceremonies

PROVIDENCE - The “plantations” portion of the official state name will no longer appear in Providence city government documents and official ceremonies under an...
PROTESTERS march in New York City on June 6. Calls to  “defund the police” have spread nationwide in the wake of the death of George Floyd while in police custody last month in Minneapolis. / AP FILE PHOTO/RAGAN CLARK

How far should police reform go?

The national movement to make police agencies more accountable for their use of force and treatment of black people has led to moves toward...

Providence launches loan program for micro-business reopening costs

PROVIDENCE – The city has launched a new, low-interest loan program to help small businesses in select parts of Providence with reopening costs, Providence...
Jordan Frank

Providence tax proposal won’t fix problems

The 2019 real estate revaluation came as a surprise to the Providence residents whose ZIP codes faced unusual tax increases. That triggered a legislative tangle....
ERNST & YOUNG LLP conducted a 10-week analysis on the financial health on the troubled Providence Public School District. The report found that the city's school budget has been traditionally fixed and funds need to be reallocated to support student needs.

Ernst & Young: PPSD budget needs to be more flexible, student-centered

PROVIDENCE – The Providence Public School District has historically viewed its annual operating budget as being fixed and that mentality should shift to a...
SABINA MATOS, Providence City Council president, has introduced proposed ordinances that will alter how and where the city issues nightlife licenses, among changes to entertainment regulations. / COURTESY PROVIDENCE CITY COUNCIL

Matos to introduce nightlife ordinances to City Council

PROVIDENCE – City Council President Sabina Matos will propose changes to city regulations on nightlife entertainment and establishments, including new liquor licenses, she announced...
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