DARTMOUTH – The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, along with the University of Massachusetts School of Law and Brockton, Mass.-based Massasoit Community College, recently received a $150,000 grant from the Massachusetts Higher Education Innovation Fund to create a transformative justice center and a transformative justice practitioner’s certificate program at the university.
The center will serve as a research hub for transformative justice scholars and practitioners. It will also coordinate with the certificate program and be a resource for implementing transformative justice practices via collaborative models of responding to harm and building community, the university said.
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Learn MoreThe new certificate program will run through UMass Dartmouth’s crime and justice studies department and give students instruction in applied practices of transformative justice, UMass Dartmouth said. Among the instruction to be offered are conflict mediation, trauma-informed facilitation skills, and envisioning and building transformative justice responses to both individual and structural harms and violence.
UMass Dartmouth said the latest award follows an initial $150,000 grant in spring 2021 that funded research and data collection toward creating the inter-campus transformative justice practitioner’s curriculum.
“The Transformative Justice Practitioner program provides a valuable opportunity for our law students to make a very real impact in the social well-being of their communities,” said Eric Mitnick, UMass Law dean, in a statement. “UMass Law is excited to participate in this vital initiative.”
James Bessette is the PBN special projects editor, and also covers the nonprofit and education sectors. You may reach him at Bessette@PBN.com. You may also follow him on Twitter at @James_Bessette.