Voucher program gives innovative R.I. companies a boost

TEST PERIOD: Ian Estaphan Owen, owner of Jaia Robotics LLC in Bristol, holds a version of one of his company’s autonomous underwater vehicles during a demonstration in Narragansett Bay in 2022. Jaia has used $74,535 from the state’s Innovation Voucher Program to test the vehicles’ ability to sample water environmental DNA. 
TEST PERIOD: Ian Estaphan Owen, owner of Jaia Robotics LLC in Bristol, holds a version of one of his company’s autonomous underwater vehicles during a demonstration in Narragansett Bay in 2022. Jaia has used $74,535 from the state’s Innovation Voucher Program to test the vehicles’ ability to sample water environmental DNA. 

Gregory Calderiso was trying to reduce the anxiety he was feeling during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 when he discovered mindful breathing. Focusing on his respiration relieved stress, but Calderiso found it challenging to keep count in his head to maintain a specific pattern of exhaling and inhaling. He couldn’t keep focused. “I wanted something

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