Are head winds gathering in R.I.?

It’s bad enough that NIMBYism has had its claws in the Cape Wind energy project for more than six years. And with U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., and Republican presidential candidate and former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney leading the charge, you have a very odd couple, indeed. Now, Rhode Island’s own Kennedy, U.S. Rep.

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  1. Where was Rep. Kennedy when the first plasma arc waste to energy incinerator in the U.S. was being proposed in his backyard? For that matter, where are any of our U.S. Reps. or U.S. Senators on such a controversal project? Clean renewable energy sources are a bonus to all Rhode Islanders, but a hazardous waste incinerator in disguise goes against everything that the enviormental community has done for our state. Solar, wind, and hydro power are clean sources, but polluting our air with an electric powered trash incinerator is not.