David Levesque
Nurturing clients and staff a long-term gain
Dr. Day Care Inc. employees pride themselves in offering a nurturing environment for hundreds of Rhode Island children. The small day care chain’s management...
Building trust in firm boosts job satisfaction
Partridge Snow & Hahn’s David M. Gilden says it’s easy managing a law firm or any business, for the matter, during good times. The...
Going national requires plan, outside help
QVC viewers are used to seeing John Pezzillo, the ladle-wielding pitchman for Westfield Foods’ Millie Soups, adeptly stirring pots of his mother’s soup mixes...
Keeping the needy fed a never-ending challenge
For nonprofit professionals, “organizational mission” is most easily described through personal connections to the people they serve. For Rhode Island Community Food Bank CEO...
Circus is ‘Greatest Show on earth’ for R.I. native
PBN recently talked with Providence native Mark Gaipo before he helps roll the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus into the Dunkin’ Donuts...
Office Space
Property manager analyzes city’s core
John J. Macliver
Position: President, MPM LLC
Background: Macliver has more than 24 years of experience as a general
Banking on community
Coastway Credit Union president continues to find
success despite a fierce banking environment
Bill White
Position: President and CEO, Coastway Credit Union, based...
Banking on Slade’s Ferry
Somerset bank retains southeastern Mass. focus
Mary Lynn D. Lenz
Position: President and CEO, Slade’s Ferry Bancorp, Somerset,
Background: Executive vice president and...
A southeastern Mass. progress report
Region’s leaders discuss jobs, housing, tourism
20 cities and towns of Bristol County, Mass., play a key role in the regional
R.I. Foundation drops Downcity Partnership
The Rhode Island Foundation is pulling the plug on a two-year-old nonprofit created to help revitalize Providence’s downtown core, a measure that signals...