Building a future in construction

TEAMWORK: Robert Tolson, left, Lisa Silvio and Kyle Brown, right, line up beams to be bolted as part of the ironworking segment of Building Futures’ five-week pre-apprenticeship in 2019. Participants construct a 70-foot-by-14-foot project that contains many of the tools, materials and techniques used in building steel structures.   / COURTESY BUILDING FUTURES
TEAMWORK: Robert Tolson, left, Lisa Silvio and Kyle Brown, right, line up beams to be bolted as part of the ironworking segment of Building Futures’ five-week pre-apprenticeship in 2019. Participants construct a 70-foot-by-14-foot project that contains many of the tools, materials and techniques used in building steel structures. / COURTESY BUILDING FUTURES

R.I. Department of Labor and Training Director Scott Jensen says the decision by Gov. Gina M. Raimondo to allow the construction industry to remain open during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic was crucial to the industry. “If you don’t close, you don’t have a hard time starting back up,” Jensen said. It was also

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