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Jennifer Hawkins joined Providence-based ONE Neighborhood Builders 11 years ago. She has served as CEO and president since 2017 and recently announced that she will leave the nonprofit at 
the end of September. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY
Jennifer Hawkins joined Providence-based ONE Neighborhood Builders 11 years ago. She has served as CEO and president since 2017 and recently announced that she will leave the nonprofit at 
the end of September. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

Jennifer Hawkins | ONE Neighborhood Builders CEO and President Over the last decade, I’ve seen our organization grow into one of the most dynamic and impactful affordable-housing developers and community-development organizations in the region. To get us here, I challenged myself and my team to think more like private-sector leaders. I believe that’s something more

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