Edge College Hill 2 receives approval to extend height to 11 stories

EDGE COLLEGE HILL 2, a proposed apartment building at the base of College Hill in Providence that would provide rental apartments for college students, has received approval to extend the height to 11 stories. / COURTESY DBVW ARCHITECTS
EDGE COLLEGE HILL 2, a proposed apartment building at the base of College Hill in Providence that would provide rental apartments for college students, has received approval to extend the height to 11 stories. / COURTESY DBVW ARCHITECTS

PROVIDENCE – A proposed apartment building, called Edge College Hill 2, has received approval for a height bonus that would allow an 11-story building at the base of College Hill.

The Providence Downtown Design Review Committee on Monday is scheduled to continue a public hearing on the project, and vote on additional requests, including a conceptual design.

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The project would provide rental apartments for college students and be built over an existing parking area. It would wrap around the historic Congdon & Carpenter Building on Steeple Street.

Mary MacDonald is a staff writer for the PBN. Contact her at macdonald@pbn.com.

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