Five Questions With: Dr. Sapna Chowdhry

Dr. Sapna Chowdhry, an infectious-disease specialist, is medical director of Thundermist Health Center of Woonsocket, where staff members put together and gave away hundreds of kits to families in order to help them protect against the spread of COVID-19.

Chowdhry discusses Thundermist’s community efforts to keep the virus in check as schools prepare to open next week.

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PBN: Thundermist recently offered 300 COVID-19 protection kits to community members in Woonsocket. How was the giveaway received, and are more such efforts needed in Rhode Island even as cases remain low?

CHOWDHRY: We provided COVID-19 protection kits to 300 Woonsocket families in a little more than an hour. The attendance at the event highlighted the tremendous need in our community for cleaning supplies and basic necessities. People must have supplies to keep their families safe during the pandemic. Thundermist plans to host two similar events this fall, and we are seeking corporate sponsors.

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PBN: Are there other ways that Thundermist has been creative in efforts to give patients access to testing and treatment for COVID-19?

CHOWDHRY: We recently added a COVID-19 community outreach and engagement lead to our staff. The employee is tri-lingual – fluent in English, Spanish and Portuguese. She is reaching out to the community and partner agencies to spread the word about testing. We want to reach every neighborhood and make sure people know free COVID-19 testing is available and convenient.

Thundermist Health Center has drive-thru and walk-up testing in Woonsocket and West Warwick. You do not need to be a patient of Thundermist, but you must have an appointment.

We also have respiratory clinics in these communities to care for patients with symptoms of COVID-19. Doctors and nurse practitioners care for patients who do not need hospital care but will benefit from an in-person outpatient medical evaluation or other intervention. Thundermist helps care for patients with respiratory symptoms and those who test positive for COVID-19 and need other primary care services. Primary care has an important role in this crisis and Thundermist is working hard to respond appropriately.

PBN: How many COVID-19 tests has Thundermist administered since the virus appeared in Rhode Island?

CHOWDHRY: As of this week, Thundermist Health Center tested more than 3,500 people for COVID-19. We can test up to 150 people per day in Woonsocket and 60 per day in West Warwick. None of this would be possible without our dedicated health care professionals, who are working outdoors wearing full personal protective equipment.

PBN: In your opinion, are there enough tests being done in Rhode Island right now?

CHOWDHRY: Rhode Island is doing a fantastic job, but we can always do more. Thundermist, like much of the country, is struggling with a delay in test results. We have identified additional resources to help with the program and hope to see improvement in the coming weeks.

PBN: What is the most important thing that primary care doctors can do to help guard against a resurgence of COVID-19 in Rhode Island?

CHOWDHRY: Education is very important. There are important things we all can do to stop the spread. Please wear a mask, wash your hands often, and stay at least 6 feet away from others. And, get your flu shot this fall!

Elizabeth Graham is a PBN contributing writer.