Are colleges masking trouble?

SENSE OF NORMALCY: John King, vice president of student life at Roger Williams University, says students hoping to return to in-person classes and on-campus living this fall are looking for some sense of normalcy, as COVID-19 has had “some real negative impact” on their mental health and feelings of connection. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO
SENSE OF NORMALCY: John King, vice president of student life at Roger Williams University, says students hoping to return to in-person classes and on-campus living this fall are looking for some sense of normalcy, as COVID-19 has had “some real negative impact” on their mental health and feelings of connection. / PBN PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

The universities in Rhode Island that are trying to reopen residence halls and classrooms this month are requiring everyone on campus to wear face masks when indoors, or in common areas where people come together. Will it work? Time will tell. Several large state universities and prominent colleges elsewhere in the country have tried the

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