Healthcentric Advisors LLC

LUNCHTIME: Healthcentric Advisors Inc. holds a holiday lunch at the ­office. 
LUNCHTIME: Healthcentric Advisors Inc. holds a holiday lunch at the ­office. 

PBN Best Places To Work Awards 2023
SMALL COMPANIES #5: Healthcentric Advisors Inc.
Employees in R.I. 34
CEO and President H. John Keimig
Questions answered by Kara Butler, Chief Human Resource Officer

What three words best describe your staff? Dedicated, experienced, caring.

Stay Ahead of Winter Respiratory Illnesses: Expert Advice from South County Health Express Care Providers

As winter progresses, so does the season of respiratory illnesses. Colds, the flu, RSV, and…

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What modifications have you made to your workplace to support employee wellness? We offer a robust employee assistance program that’s open to all family members; all employees start with 22 days of paid personal leave, along with seven extended sick days; this allows associates to have ample time off when needed to focus on fun, family and well-being. In addition, we offer wellness benefits to help cover wellness subscriptions, gym memberships and fitness equipment.

Do you have a preference for promoting existing staff or hiring from outside and why? We are always in favor of internal promotion to acknowledge hard work and existing staff relationships. Being a small company, it is often difficult to create a career ladder, so it is important to take advantage of internal promotion opportunities when we can.

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Describe a new employee benefit(s) or initiative(s) your company has launched in the past 12 months. We’ve increased our focus on supporting continued education for all our associates. We have a certification study group for our associates working toward the same certification.

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