Jessica Marfeo

PBN 40 Under Forty 2023 Awards
Jessica Marfeo | 39 | Managing director, Medicare product, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island

What have been the most significant changes in your industry in the last five years? The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has introduced a number of innovations in Medicare that make it possible for insurers to address member needs more comprehensively. Many of these changes are broad-based, but there are also new models available specifically focused on health equity, a key strategic driver at Blue Cross.

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What is the best advice you have ever received? Always believe in yourself and do the things you know are right.

What was your first job? Working at Bess Eaton [Donuts] when I was 14. It was a fun first job and contributed to my obsession with coffee.

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What advice would you give your 22-year-old self? Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and experience as many things as you can.

What is your greatest attribute that you bring to your job? Collaboration. I love being part of a team and contributing to shared success.

What is your favorite Rhode Island food or drink? Calamari. Funny thing is that I didn’t realize it was “Rhode Island style” calamari until I lived in Seattle.

Fox or MSNBC? The New York Times.

What led you to pursuing a career in your current industry? I decided to change careers about 11 years ago and at the time “Obamacare” had just been passed. I wanted to learn more about health care and Blue Cross, being a nonprofit, was an organization I wanted to be a part of.