Landings Real Estate Group

ON THE WATER: Staffers at Landings Management LLC enjoy a boat ride at a recent company outing. / COURTESY LANDINGS MANAGEMENT LLC
ON THE WATER: Staffers at Landings Management LLC enjoy a boat ride at a recent company outing. / COURTESY LANDINGS MANAGEMENT LLC

Midsize Company 11.
Landings Management LLC

Employees in R.I.: 77
President: Christopher Bicho
Questions answered by: Christopher Bicho

How has your company adapted programs and services in response to evolving pandemic-related challenges such as staff burnout and workforce shortages? We have a flexible hybrid work situation, which allows people to address their own individual needs. We have recognized in financial and other ways the extraordinary efforts and mental fatigue that has resulted from working with the public during these challenging times.

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What fun activities does your company offer employees to participate in? The lifting of COVID-19 restrictions has allowed us to bring back our annual corporate outing, holiday celebrations, National Day celebrations, inter-office competitions, and individual office outings and gatherings.

What modifications have you made to your workplace to support employee wellness? Time off when requested and working around special needs on an individual basis. We have offered mental health days across the board and individually.

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