Landlords needed: July 1 goal set for the Housing Now! challenge

GOV. GINA M. RAIMONDO is encouraging landlords to make their empty units available to families waiting for housing in shelters. The state will provide monthly rent vouchers. / COURTESY CAPITOL TV

PROVIDENCE – The Rhode Island Association of Realtors, in partnership with the United Way of Rhode Island, is challenging landlords to pledge to rent at least 100 vacant units to housing-insecure residents by July 1.

Announced on June 12 by Gov. Gina M. Raimondo, the Housing Now! effort includes a $2,000 signing bonus for landlords who make at least one unit available. Additional units will carry a $500 bonus.

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The way it works: The R.I. Office of Housing and Community Development has vouchers for families now living in congregate settings, such as shelters. The tenants will pay 30% of their income to the landlord, and the vouchers from the state will cover the remainder of the rent.

The vouchers will go directly to the landlord, not to the tenant first.

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Under the program, landlords will also get up to $2,000 to make minor unit improvements, assistance in finding tenants and in bringing their empty units up to current code.

The program is accessed by calling 211 and asking for the housing assistance line.

Mary MacDonald is a staff writer for the PBN. Contact her at

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