Marcum LLP

INCLUDING EVERYBODY: Marcum LLP staffers attend Providence Business News’ 2021 Diversity & Inclusion Awards & Summit event at the Crowne Plaza Providence-Warwick in Warwick. / COURTESY MARCUM LLP
INCLUDING EVERYBODY: Marcum LLP staffers attend Providence Business News’ 2021 Diversity & Inclusion Awards & Summit event at the Crowne Plaza Providence-Warwick in Warwick. / COURTESY MARCUM LLP

Midsize Company 25. Marcum LLP

Employees in R.I.: 94
Managing Partner: Thomas E. Lisi
Questions answered by: Human Resources Administrator Mia Frigo

What three words best describe your staff? Passionate, dedicated, entrepreneurial.

Stay Ahead of Winter Respiratory Illnesses: Expert Advice from South County Health Express Care Providers

As winter progresses, so does the season of respiratory illnesses. Colds, the flu, RSV, and…

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How has your company adapted programs and services in response to evolving pandemic-related challenges such as staff burnout and workforce shortages? We just rolled out an increased paid-time-off program, summer Fridays and extended holiday time off. Marcum Wellness initiatives include weekly meditation and yoga classes and a national walking challenge in which teams compete to get the most steps within a month – and winners receive $100 gift cards.

How do you support community service work by your employees? The Marcum Foundation raises funds and volunteers for select charities through special events, associate giving and other initiatives – providing the critical assistance needed for organizations that offer essential services in health and safety, education and self-esteem, food and shelter, and family and well-being. The foundation has donated more than $3.9 million to worthy causes since its inception.

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