Mobile Beacon launches disaster recovery programs

JOHNSTON – Nonprofit Mobile Beacon has launched disaster recovery programs for institutions in states hit by hurricanes Florence and Michael.

The organization, which provides high-speed, low-cost internet access to facilities such as libraries, schools and hospitals, said it will serve existing customers in FEMA-designated disaster zones in the Carolinas, Florida and Georgia.

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The disaster recovery programs, available until April, offer wrap-around support for Mobile Beacon customers as they rebuild, the company said.

Mobile Beacon said it will replace, free of charge, devices in hotspots it hosts that were damaged due to the storm, even if the device is out of warranty.

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“Mobile Beacon’s mission is to support the broadband needs of community anchor institutions,” Cristina Graham, program director at Mobile Beacon, said, and “regain the broadband connectivity needed.”

The organization is also offering a disaster recovery donation program, in which anchor institutions can request up to 25 mobile hotspot devices to help get connected.

Susan Shalhoub is a PBN contributing writer.