New waterfront walking path unveiled in Providence

A VIEW FROM the new walking path unveiled at ProvPort in Providence. /COURTESY PROVPORT
A VIEW FROM the new walking path unveiled at ProvPort in Providence. /COURTESY PROVPORT

PROVIDENCE – Mayor Jorge O. Elorza met with representatives of Save The Bay and ProvPort Inc. Thursday to announce a newly developed waterfront walking path at ProvPort.

The pathway will be open to the public, and is designed for walking, bird watching, fishing, dog walking and photography. The trail will not have any public facilities.

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“Increasing access to our waterfront increases the opportunities for our residents and visitors to engage with the coastline,” said Elorza. “Providence is uniquely positioned at the head of the Narragansett Bay and we will continue activating this space in creative ways, like this walking path. I thank ProvPort and Save The Bay for their partnership and I look forward to continuing to work together for our city.”

The pathway is part of the Urban Coastal Greenway policy, which provides developers additional permitting flexibility in exchange for public access and habitat conservation considerations, a program established through the Coastal Resources Management Council.

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ProvPort, a nonprofit corporation, leased the land, parcel 288, from the city of Providence in 2015, and worked with Save The Bay and the city to redevelop the waterfront portion of the parcel into a public pathway.

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