PBN on WJAR-TV, Oct. 22, 2018

BOND DECISIONS: Rhode Island voters will decide on three ballot measures in the Nov. 6 election totaling about $367 million in bonds: $250 million to upgrade primary- and secondary-education public schools; $70 million in renovations and new construction at the University of Rhode and Rhode Island College; and $47 million for green-economy and clean-water projects. 
BOND DECISIONS: Rhode Island voters will decide on three ballot measures in the Nov. 6 election totaling about $367 million in bonds: $250 million to upgrade primary- and secondary-education public schools; $70 million in renovations and new construction at the University of Rhode and Rhode Island College; and $47 million for green-economy and clean-water projects. / PBN GRAPHIC/LISA LAGRECA

Will 2018 be the year Rhode Island voters take a stand on the condition of public schools?

Every week, PBN Editor Mark S. Murphy appears on WJAR-TV NBC 10’s Coffee Break to discuss the newspaper’s most recent cover story and other issues with Sunrise and Noon News Anchor Frank Coletta.

Stay Ahead of Winter Respiratory Illnesses: Expert Advice from South County Health Express Care Providers

As winter progresses, so does the season of respiratory illnesses. Colds, the flu, RSV, and…

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This week Murphy and Coletta talk about PBN staff writer Emily Gowdey-Backus’ examination of the spending initiatives on statewide ballots as well as some of those put on ballots locally, in a piece titled, “Election 2018: You decide.”

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