Preservationists eye ‘Hail Mary’

STATE PRESERVATION GRANTS are currently on hiatus, affecting many nonprofits that rely on state funding. Above, Trudy Coxe, head of the Preservation Society of Newport County. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY
STATE PRESERVATION GRANTS are currently on hiatus, affecting many nonprofits that rely on state funding. Above, Trudy Coxe, CEO of the Preservation Society of Newport County. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

From roofs and balustrade repair to weatherproofing, nearly $11 million has been allocated in State Preservation Grants to 164 projects at historic sites across the state over the past 16 years. In that time, Lippitt House Museum alone received a combined $161,000 in SPG funds to repair its four chimneys, roof and cornice. “A little

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