R.I.’s new tourism campaign showcases state as ‘All That’

Updated Feb. 22, 2:17 P.M.

R.I. COMMERCE CORP. on Wednesday launched its new
R.I. COMMERCE CORP. has launched its new "All That" tourism campaign. / COURTESY R.I. COMMERCE CORP.

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island is all people, all cuisine, all outdoors, all history, say state tourism leaders. And a new statewide tourism slogan that’s been in the works since early last year sums it all up simply: R.I. is “All That.” The new tourism marketing campaign was unveiled late Wednesday in a press release and

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  1. A well thought out tourism campaign should involve something far more than jingles, slogans and video ads, It should have a focus on the longer term and have a broad perspective. This may require the state to spend real money to attract capital investment in tourism. For example, once you leave Westerly area, name one large prestigious hotel or resort in the area from there to Narraganset. Name key cultural spots of any significance other than Theater by Sea. And look at how many years years have gone by with no action to change that scenario.

  2. Terrible slogan! “Fun sized” is so much more memorable!
    But the best suggestion ever was “Rhode Island: We’re 3% bigger at low tide”.

    “All that”? More like “What the F is that?”