Report: State may issue new Washington Bridge RFP later this week

A NEW REQUEST for proposals on bids to replace the Washington Bridge may be distributed by the end of this week, R.I. Department of Transportation Director Peter Alviti Jr. told WPRI-TV CBS 12 on Tuesday. / PBN FILE PHOTO/WILLIAM HAMILTON
A NEW REQUEST for proposals on bids to replace the Washington Bridge may be distributed by the end of this week, R.I. Department of Transportation Director Peter Alviti Jr. told WPRI-TV CBS 12 on Tuesday. / PBN FILE PHOTO/WILLIAM HAMILTON

PROVIDENCE – Will a new request for proposals be sent out soon seeking contractors to build a new westbound side of the Washington Bridge? R.I. Department of Transportation Director Peter Alviti Jr. on Tuesday told WPRI-TV CBS 12 that Gov. Danil J. McKee’s administration hopes to release a new RFP by the end of the

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