Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Home Tags Community Development Block Grant

Tag: Community Development Block Grant

ONE Neighborhood Builders unveils data on digital equity model

PROVIDENCE – An equity-focused WiFi service overseen by ONE Neighborhood Builders has seen a significant growth in usage since its launch in 2020, the...

Woonsocket to launch COVID-19-related small-business grant and loan program

WOONSOCKET – The city of Woonsocket will launch a new grant and loan program within days that will provide up to $20,000 for small...
LOADING UP: Ric Wild, executive director at the Good Neighbors Inc. food pantry in East Providence, loads bags of food into a vehicle while volunteer Elaine Fredrick fills boxes. / PBN PHOTO/TRACY JENKINS

STARVING FOR HELP: Needy flock to R.I.’s overwhelmed food pantries

IT'S COMMON for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Executive Director Heather Hole Strout to see adults and the elderly seeking food at...
MAYOR JORGE O. ELORZA announced the launch of the PVD Self-Employment Program, a two-phase program that will provide entrepenuership training and business mentorship to up to 100 unemployed or underemployed Providence residents. / PBN FILE PHOTO/RUPERT WHITELEY

Elorza and CWE announce the launch of the PVD Self-Employment Program

PROVIDENCE – Mayor Jorge O. Elorza announced the creation of the PVD Self-Employment Program, with the expectation that it will provide up to 100...
RHODE ISLAND IS SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE $2.4 million in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for community development and affordable housing.

R.I. to receive $2.4M for community development and affordable housing

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has awarded $2.4 million in a round of federal grants, including $1.9 million in Community Development Block Grant funding as...
U.S. SEN. JACK F. REED announced a $126,607 grant to help first responders in Rhode Island be better prepared for hazardous materials emergencies. / COURTESY OFFICE OF U.S. SEN. JACK F. REED

R.I. receives $10.6M in community development grants

PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island will receive $10.6 million in development grants, U.S. Sen. Jack F. Reed announced on Sept. 16. The federal aid comes in...

City gets go-ahead to restart loan fund

Nearly a year later than expected, Providence is back in the commercial-lending business. The Providence Economic Development Partnership’s Revolving Loan Fund, suspended by the U.S....
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