Monday, September 9, 2024


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AN AMENDMENT TO flood-prone area zoning laws related to the elevation of homes above flooding projections has reined in potential massive height variances for new homes. It is expected to result in more-resilient homes being built in Rhode Island. This home in North Kingstown along Narragansett Bay was built with the idea that flood waters could flow through the bottom floors without disturbing living space above. / PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

Legislation alters flood-area zoning height exemptions

PROVIDENCE – Among the bills signed into law by Gov. Gina M. Raimondo following the most recent legislative session, one included a zoning ordinance...

Mobile Beacon launches disaster recovery programs

JOHNSTON – Nonprofit Mobile Beacon has launched disaster recovery programs for institutions in states hit by hurricanes Florence and Michael. The organization, which provides high-speed,...
FLOOD-PRONE: Grover Fugate, executive director of the R.I. Coastal Resources Management Council, stands in front of properties on Strand Avenue in an at-risk area for flooding near the Oakland Beach neighborhood in Warwick.

Report: R.I. homebuilding codes don’t cover all storm risks

Rhode Island again scored well in a recent report on the strength and enforcement of its homebuilding codes. However, with the 2018 hurricane season...
WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN NEXT? The March 2010 floods showed that the effects of storms are felt not just on Rhode Island’s coastline, as the Pawtuxet River spilled well over its banks, inundating many homes and businesses, and disrupting lives. / PBN FILE PHOTO/BRIAN MCDONALD

Climate mitigation pays off, but it has to be put in...

This week’s conclusion of a three-part series by PBN staff writer Eli Sherman on Rhode Island’s vulnerability to flooding and storm damage is sobering. The...
DIGGING OUT: A truck clears sand off Atlantic Avenue in the Misquamicut community of Westerly following “Superstorm” Sandy in 2012. Today the town is still dredging 20,000 cubic yards of sand from Winnapaug Pond deposited there during the storm.  / PBN FILE PHOTO/BRIAN MCDONALD

The Ocean State has seen the damage storms can cause. So...

(Editor's note: This is the first of a three-part series exploring Rhode Island's vulnerability to coastal flooding and what businesses, property owners and local...
THE WOONSOCKET FIRE DEPARTMENT has been awarded $1.5 million in federal grant money to hire 12 new firefighters. / BLOOMBERG FILE PHOTO/ANDREW HARRER

Woonsocket FD receives $1.5M in federal grant to increase staff

WOONSOCKET – The Woonsocket Fire Department received $1.5 million in federal funding to recruit, hire, train and retain additional firefighters, U.S.  Sens. Jack F....
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