Sunday, February 9, 2025


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Tag: What’s Happening

Editor’s Choice: Crowne Plaza to host annual Statewide Business After Hours

EDITOR’S CHOICE Crowne Plaza to host annual Statewide Business After Hours THE STATEWIDE BUSINESS After Hours, the annual event in which all of Rhode Island’s...
BACK HOME: The Rhode Island Home Show, after a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will return to the R.I. Convention Center April 7-10. / COURTESY RHODE ISLAND HOME SHOW

Editor’s Choice: Rhode Island Home Show return after 3-year hiatus

EDITOR’S CHOICE Rhode Island Home Show returns after 2-year hiatus THE RHODE ISLAND Home Show, led by the Rhode Island Builders Association, will return to...
MANUFACTURING WORKSHOP: The Rhode Island Manufacturers Association will hold a dual-topic workshop at the Providence Marriott Downtown on March 15. The first session will be presented by Axis New England and focus on workplace robots, while the second session will be presented by R&D Technologies and focus on 3D printing. / PBN PHOTO/JAMES BESSETTE

Editor’s Choice: R.I. Manufacturers Association to host robotics, 3D printing workshop

EDITOR’S CHOICE R.I. Manufacturers Association to host robotics workshop THE RHODE ISLAND Manufacturers Association will hold a dual-topic workshop on workplace robotics and 3D printing, hosted...
TIME TO CELEBRATE: The Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce will hold its 31st annual Celebration event at Kirkbrae Country Club in Lincoln on March 10. / COURTESY KIRKBRAE COUNTRY CLUB

Editor’s Choice: Northern R.I. Chamber to hold 31st annual Celebration event

EDITOR’S CHOICE Northern R.I. Chamber to hold 31st annual Celebration event THE NORTHERN RHODE ISLAND Chamber of Commerce will hold its 31st annual Celebration event, hosted...
MEETING THE GOVERNOR: Gov. Daniel J. McKee will be the guest speaker at the East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 annual Meeting & Business Expo on Feb. 17 at Quidnessett Country Club in North Kingstown.  / AP FILE PHOTO/STEVEN SENNE

Editor’s Choice: Gov. McKee to speak at EG Chamber expo

EDITOR’S CHOICE Gov. McKee to speak at EG Chamber expo GOV. DANIEL J. MCKEE will be the featured guest speaker at the East Greenwich Chamber...
ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND: Terry Gray, acting director for the R.I. Department of Environmental Management, will be the guest speaker at the Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Eggs & Issues breakfast event Jan. 12 at Kirkbrae Country Club in Lincoln. / COURTESY R.I. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT

Editor’s Choice: Acting DEM director to speak at NRI Chamber breakfast...

EDITOR’S CHOICE Acting DEM director to speak at NRI Chamber breakfast event TERRY GRAY, acting director for the R.I. Department of Environmental Management, will be...
ECONOMIC UPDATE: Michael DiBiase, CEO and president of the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council, will offer an assessment of the state’s economy at the Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Update Luncheon on Dec. 14 at the Atlantic Resort at Wyndam Newport in Middletown.  / COURTESY RHODE ISLAND PUBLIC EXPENDITURE COUNCIL

Editor’s Choice: RIPEC CEO to discuss economy with Greater Newport Chamber

EDITOR’S CHOICE RIPEC CEO to discuss economy with Greater Newport Chamber THE GREATER NEWPORT Chamber of Commerce will hold an Economic Update Luncheon, hosted by...
BACK TOGETHER: One SouthCoast Chamber of Commerce will hold its 135th annual meeting and Apex Awards ceremony on Dec. 2 at White’s of Westport in Westport. It’s the first time the meeting and awards ceremony will be held in person since 2019. Above, Chamber members gather during a previous awards ceremony.  / COURTESY ONE SOUTHCOAST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Editor’s Choice: One SouthCoast Chamber to host annual Apex Awards

EDITOR’S CHOICE One SouthCoast Chamber to host annual Apex Awards ONE SOUTHCOAST CHAMBER of Commerce will hold its 135th annual meeting and Apex Awards...
CURRENT AFFAIRS: Wendy J. Schiller, a professor of political science at Brown University, will speak at the Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce’s Eggs & Issues event at Kirkbrae Country Club in Lincoln on Nov. 16. / COURTESY BROWN UNIVERSITY

Editor’s Choice: Schiller to discuss current affairs with NRI Chamber

EDITOR’S CHOICE Schiller to discuss currentaffairs with NRI Chamber THE NORTHERN RHODE ISLAND Chamber of Commerce will hold an Eggs & Issues event featuring Wendy...
ENGAGING CONVERSATION: Nia C. Mathis, Verizon Communications Inc. New England regional vice president, will be the featured guest during the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber Conversation virtual event on Nov. 4. / COURTESY GREATER PROVIDENCE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Editor’s Choice: Verizon’s Mathis invited to speak to Greater Providence Chamber

EDITOR’S CHOICE Verizon’s Mathis invited to speak to Greater Providence Chamber NIA C. MATHIS, Verizon Communications Inc. New England regional vice president, will be the...
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