Brown puts wellness within worker’s daily reach

Healthiest Employees: 2,000-4,999 Employees | #3. Brown University
CEO (or equivalent): Christina H. Paxson, president
Number of employees: 4,057

If an employee of Brown University wanted to improve his health and fitness, he needs only to say “yes,” and a gusher of employer-sponsored opportunities bursts wide open.

The faucet releasing the information is Maxwell, a university-managed online portal accessible by phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. In it, employees can fill out a health assessment; participate in online workshops on wellness topics; log doctor visits; join a stop-smoking workshop; and manage their Wellness Rewards.

Brown’s Wellness Rewards is a voluntary wellness incentive program that allows employees to earn $150 to $250 a year by taking actions to improve their health. Cash may be earned for doctor visits, smoking cessation and doing wellness programs.

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These programs range from on-campus exercise classes to workshops on topics such as managing retirement savings and healthful cooking. The university even has designated walking routes on or near campus.

A healthy thought:
‘Our success is built on … a unique array of health topics, fitness offerings, healthy cooking demos and educational subject matter.’
Michelle Wise, Benefits specialist, Brown University