40 Under Forty 2019 winner:

What is the best advice you have ever received? Work like you own the place. If you have that mindset, you will always take pride in your work and give it your all.

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What advice would you give your 22-year-old self? Ask more questions. You don’t have to figure out everything yourself. At 22, I had the mindset that I had to figure everything out myself.

What moment changed your life more than any other? The birth of my beautiful baby girl, Viviana. From the day she was born (Feb. 7, this year), everything I do now is for her.

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What is your favorite Rhode Island food or drink? This might sound cliché, but it’s clam cakes and chowder.

Red Sox, Patriots, Celtics or Bruins? Patriots.

Fox or MSNBC? Both – I stay neutral when it comes to politics.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn? Twitter.

Avengers or Justice League? Justice League.

THE PROP: David Fontes says he’s proud of his daughter Viviana, as well as his Cape Verdean heritage and being a first-generation American.