Docs worry CVS clinics coming between them, patients

CLOSE COORDINATION: Dr. David Bourassa, right, chief medical officer for Thundermist Health Center, speaks with medical assistant Aminata Gassama. Bourassa said primary care doctors can coordinate a patient’s care better than a CVS MinuteClinic because they know a patient’s medical history.
CLOSE COORDINATION: Dr. David Bourassa, right, chief medical officer for Thundermist Health Center, speaks with medical assistant Aminata Gassama. Bourassa said primary care doctors can coordinate a patient’s care better than a CVS MinuteClinic because they know a patient’s medical history.

When it comes to minor health care issues, scheduling a doctor’s office visit can sometimes be more of a headache than many people can stomach. At CVS Health Corp.’s MinuteClinics, however, patients can see a nurse practitioner and fill a prescription in one trip. But as CVS plans to expand MinuteClinic’s offerings as part of

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