Hourly compensation costs in N.E. decline slightly over year in September

PRIVATE-EMPLOYER compensation costs were $41.76 per hour in New England, higher than the Northeast cost of $40.58 per hour. / COURTESY BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS
PRIVATE-EMPLOYER compensation costs were $41.76 per hour in New England, higher than the Northeast cost of $40.58 per hour. / COURTESY BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS

PROVIDENCE – Private-employer costs per employee hour in New England totaled $41.76  in September 2020, a decline of 7 cents year over year, he Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday.

New England had the second-highest cost-per-employee compensation of any region in the country besides the Pacific region.

Of the total cost per hour in New England, $27.88 was for wages and salaries, a decline from $28.68 one year prior. Benefits accounted for $13.03 of the hourly compensation, including $3.33 in paid leave, $1.36 for supplemental pay, $1.79 for retirement and savings and $3.12 for legally required benefits.

Nationally, employer costs per employee hour worked totaled $35.95, including $25.23 for wages and salaries and $10.72 for benefits.

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