Carrie Majewski, Women in Leadership Nexus
A NEW YORKER WHO moved to Rhode Island a few years ago is making a big impact in women’s business leadership here, an impact that continues to grow, evolve and thrive.
Seeing a need for a movement that supported, educated and advocated for women in leadership – no matter their role or industry – Carrie Majewski founded the Women in Leadership Nexus as a community movement in 2017 and serves as CEO.
The Rhode Island chapter opened in 2018, now boasting over 100 members.
“She had an idea and clearly executed it. She’s very focused,” said Kathleen Malin, Nexus member and vice president of technology for the Rhode Island Foundation. Nexus quarterly seminars are held all over the state. Malin joined the group and its events committee, and she hasn’t looked back.
Thanks to Majewski’s careful, on-theme planning, attendees would be hard-pressed to attend a Nexus event without finding valuable takeaways.
Ten percent of its members have launched their own businesses in the first year.
“You’re not just in a room with a lecturer, you’re making connections. It’s very active, rewarding and really focused on benefits,” said Malin, with pop-up training sessions, happy hours and other events all part of the effort to connect women to each other and to their goals. Benefits are there for women in larger organizations, as well as entrepreneurs, she said.
According to Majewski, the Nexus members have a special bond. “We’re of a common mindset that there is a lack of equality in terms of development in management,” said Majewski, who is vice president of marketing for Trilix, in Cranston, which supports her efforts,
Topics such as embracing abundance, cultivating personal resilience and controlling professional reality have all been discussed in Nexus seminars.
A board member of the Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England and of the Tech Collective’s Women in Technology Committee, Majewski’s work in guiding women leaders is consistent, well-defined and crosses platforms.
Her next step is nurturing remote Nexus initiatives, in places such as New York, New Jersey, California and Massachusetts.
“As women, we tend to be in the passenger seat in our careers,” said Majewski. “But women can be their own cosmic shift and grab for something more profound in their leadership journey.”