Newport bed and breakfast is all about dogs

HOUND HOSPITALITY: Chris Bicho, president of Landings Real Estate Group, which owns the Newport inn Paws on Pelham, greets Wally, a goldendoodle, in the lobby. / PBN PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN
HOUND HOSPITALITY: Chris Bicho, president of Landings Real Estate Group, which owns the Newport inn Paws on Pelham, greets Wally, a goldendoodle, in the lobby. / PBN PHOTO/DAVE HANSEN

An all-dog inn? Christopher Bicho, president of Landings Real Estate Group, wasn’t the one who came up with the idea. But Paws on Pelham, a new boutique hotel in Newport, is indeed a hotel for dogs. The 13-room Pelham Street inn, which opened in September, had been a bed-and-breakfast before The Landings Group purchased it.

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