An all-dog inn?
Christopher Bicho, president of Landings Real Estate Group, wasn’t the one who came up with the idea. But Paws on Pelham, a new boutique hotel in Newport, is indeed a hotel for dogs.
The 13-room Pelham Street inn, which opened in September, had been a bed-and-breakfast before The Landings Group purchased it. Following an extensive renovation, it now has dog beds or murphy-dog beds in each room and quirky décor that leaves no doubt who’s in charge. In the lobby, dogs can drink from a water-filling station.
“We have other properties that are dog-friendly. But this is taking it to a whole new level,” Bicho said. “This is a place where the dog makes a reservation and takes you along with it practically.”
The hotel has no breed restrictions. The management is counting on dog owners to know if their dog can handle seeing other dogs. Dogs have to be leashed outside the room. And owners need to make sure they don’t disturb other guests.
And, sorry, no mixed-species families.
“We don’t take cats. It’s not the cat hotel,” Bicho said.
Mary MacDonald is a PBN staff writer. Contact her at