Will your company need to continue adapting as the COVID-19 pandemic and markets evolve?
Yes: 93%
No: 7%
What is your company doing or considering doing to adapt moving forward? (Select any that apply)
We are implementing strict safety protocols for office operation: 64%
We are building resiliency into our operation: 29%
We will be securing supply chains: 7%
We are better managing component inventory: 0%
We aren’t doing anything new to adapt: 0%
Does your company now have in place plans for dealing with an unexpected catastrophic event?
Yes: 79%
We are developing a new plan based on what we have learned: 14%
No: 7%
What has your company instituted to handle a future crisis? (Select any that apply)
We have implemented a crisis-management strategy: 64%
We have built redundancies into our operation: 43%
We have accepted that this is the new normal: 43%
We have installed structural measures to reduce risk: 29%
We have forged essential collaborative partnerships: 21%
We have not instituted anything new in response to the pandemic: 0%