Opinion: Ballpark proposal is good for city and state

DRIVING A HARD BARGAIN? The R.I. Senate Finance Committee has proposed revising legislation concerning the financing of the construction of a new ballpark for the Pawtucket Red Sox. Does it make the deal better for the state's taxpayers and keep the team in Rhode Island, or will it push them into the waiting arms of Worcester, Mass.? Above, a rendering of the "Ballpark at Slater Mill." / COURTESY PAWTUCKET RED SOX

The American Industrial Revolution was launched at Slater Mill in Pawtucket. Today we have a similarly historic opportunity to invigorate economic growth in our city, via a new ballpark proposed right near the historic factory. An influx of artists and microbreweries have contributed to the city’s economic momentum in recent years, and we think “The

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  1. This is nonsense; there are no revenue-producing operations near this site and it will be some time before there are, if the ballpark is built. Tax monies that would go to the city or the state are to be used to pay off the bonds; in other words, the PRS get away on the very cheap, with $13mil up front. The taxpayers get stung because we have to make up for the lost revenue. This is a boondoggle, pure and simple. Pawtucket is fourth from the bottom in IL attendance, and with that millstone Lucchino weighing it down, it won’t get any better. Worcester or bust! And, if you believe the State of Massachusetts will contribute, you’re hopeless and will believe this tripe, too.