Response Technologies Crashworthy and Ballistically Tolerant Fuel Cells

THE STORY: The 4-year-old company has used multiple startup resources to refine its business plan and find the markets for its products. Using additive manufacturing, Response has created a fuel cell for a U.S. Army helicopter that is engineered to survive a 65-foot drop and self-heal from ballistic rounds of up to 20mm.

› Response Technologies is located in West Warwick, where it develops and creates it products

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› The first drop tests for the fuel cell occurred in 2018 at the company’s former home in East Providence; the first ballistic tests were in 2019

› The company expects to be able to manufacture 10 to 15 tanks per week in each manufacturing cell

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› The resilient tanks will sell for $15,000 to $30,000 or more

› In addition to military uses, the resilient tanks will be used by civilian rotorcraft that have crashworthy requirements

› Using additive manufacturing, each tank can be made within five days

› The company started with two employees, went to 10 and now is growing toward 20

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