Monday, February 10, 2025


Home Tags Jeremy Goodman

Tag: Jeremy Goodman

FEEDING TIME: Jennifer Warmbold, lead keeper of Africa at the Roger Williams Park Zoo, prepares to feed lettuce to some of the zoo’s Masai giraffes. The zoo is in phase one of a three-phase, 20-year master plan to renovate and expand the Providence attraction.  

Can a zoo boost the economy?

Adults and kids stare, almost unblinking, at the sleek bodies of giant river otters gliding dreamily in figure eights through their tank. The human faces...
SOLE SURVIVOR: Tracy Hartman is the CEO of Yawgoo Valley, the only ski park still in operation in Rhode Island. The business has remained viable by diversifying its offerings, adding a water park in 1991 and a snow-tubing hill in 1995. / PBN PHOTO/BRIAN MCDONALD

Yes, winter is challenging, but should it prevent R.I. from attracting...

Originally established as a ski park in Exeter in 1965, ­Yawgoo Valley celebrates all that the Ocean State has to offer tourists and locals...
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