Tag: Shri Service Corps
After opening yoga studio, she has stretched for more
It’s a late summer morning and the stately brick building that is Shri Studio Inc.’s new home is about to officially open for business.
R.I. Foundation grants $350K to 45 Newport County nonprofits
NEWPORT – The Rhode Island Foundation announced Wednesday that 45 local nonprofits will share $350,000 in grants from the Newport County Fund.
The recipients are...
Fogarty Foundation grants $250K to 40 R.I. nonprofits
PROVIDENCE – The John E. Fogarty Foundation on Friday granted a total of more than $250,000 to 40 nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island that...
HarborOne Foundation Rhode Island donates $85K to 12 nonprofits
WARWICK – HarborOne Bank through its charitable foundation, HarborOne Foundation Rhode Island, recently awarded $85,000 in grants to 12 community organizations, according to a...