Tuesday, September 10, 2024


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Tag: Venmo

WORTH IT? Lisa Roth Blackman, chief philanthropy officer at Rhode Island Community Food Bank, says the nonprofit had hoped that cryptocurrency might be a useful way for some to make donations, but it hasn’t worked out that way.

Crypto hasn’t lived up to promise for R.I. nonprofits

In 2022, the Rhode Island Community Food Bank ­announced it would start ­accepting donations of crypto­currency, joining a small group of local nonprofits seeking...
FINTECH ­COLLABORATOR: University of Rhode Island assistant professor H. Zafer Yuksel believes having URI join the Mass Fintech Hub will provide big benefits to Rhode Island students studying financial technology. 

URI hoping to close state’s fintech gap with cross-border alliance

In the relatively nascent sphere of financial technology, Rhode Island – echoing its relationship to the biotech industry – hasn’t caught up with neighboring...
WHEN R.I. COMMERCE Secretary Elizbeth M. Tanner was director of the R.I. Department of Business Regulation, she was a strong advocate for blockchain technology, which she preferred to call "distributed ledger" technology. PBN FILE PHOTO/MICHAEL SALERNO

X Corp. licensing in R.I. part of a bigger tech push?

The "currency transmitter" license that Rhode Island recently issued to the company formerly known as Twitter Inc. is a common authorization in business dealings,...

Billions stored on digital payment apps may be unprotected, CFPB warns

WASHINGTON – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has published a consumer advisory on digital payment apps heavily used by consumers and businesses. A CFPB analysis...
A FEW RHODE ISLAND-BASED nonprofits have either begun, or are beginning to, accept cryptocurrency as a donation option. / AP FILE/KIN CHEUNG

Some R.I. nonprofits beginning to accept cryptocurrency donations

PROVIDENCE – Fundraising is a significant element to a nonprofit’s operations in order for the organizations to serve their respective communities. While organizations regularly...
A LENDEDU POLL shows nearly a third of millennial respondents have used the Venmo payment app to pay for drugs. /COURTESY LENDEDU

LendEdu poll finds millennials using Venmo payment app to buy illicit...

HOBOKEN, N.J. – A new poll released last week showed nearly a third of millennial respondents have used Venmo, a popular payment app, to...
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