Builders: Have work, will train

PLENTY OF PROJECTS: Jonathan Yaghjian, left, project manager, and Kurtis Quinn, a carpenter apprentice with Cranston-based Pariseault Builders Inc., work on the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority House on the University of Rhode Island campus in South Kingstown. While many businesses were forced to close their doors 
for much of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pariseault continued to work on a number of multimillion-dollar projects. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM
PLENTY OF PROJECTS: Jonathan Yaghjian, left, project manager, and Kurtis Quinn, a carpenter apprentice with Cranston-based Pariseault Builders Inc., work on the Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority House on the University of Rhode Island campus in South Kingstown. While many businesses were forced to close their doors 
for much of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pariseault continued to work on a number of multimillion-dollar projects. / PBN PHOTO/ELIZABETH GRAHAM

Although the COVID-19 pandemic kept many Rhode Islanders close to home for much of 2020, Pariseault Builders Inc. didn’t slow down. With construction deemed an essential service by state officials, the Cranston-based company hammered away at a full slate of multimillion-dollar projects while businesses in other industries were forced to scramble to remain operational. Pariseault

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