5Q: Glenn Robertelli |
Executive director, RI Bio
1. You were named executive director of RI Bio in July. As an entrepreneur running a collaborative organization, what are the unexpected challenges? There is always a learning curve in any new role. … The primary opportunity lies in understanding the entire landscape of collaborators here in Rhode Island and beyond. Cultivating an ecosystem and building life science companies doesn’t happen overnight, but there are many great organizations and institutions working together to make it happen.
2. The state is investing heavily to establish a life science sector and competing with cities such as Boston and Worcester, Mass. Is this realistic? Many agree that Rhode Island possesses unique strengths in life sciences and academic research. … Developing a medical device or biotechnology product from concept through testing, approval and manufacture requires the collaboration of dozens of companies and institutions. No single company can achieve this alone, and such collaboration often transcends state lines.
3. What initiatives do you plan to pursue? Over the past several years, the organization’s focus has been on workforce development and connecting life science companies in Rhode Island and southeastern New England. I plan to work closely with the industry to enhance training and certification programs to build the next generation of expertise and leadership.
4. Is partnership with the public sector necessary to create a bioscience hub? I believe that the decision to create a public-private partnership around the Rhode Island Life Science Hub was and is the correct choice. Currently, Rhode Island lacks the lab infrastructure necessary to build upon the cutting-edge research emerging from our universities and lacks a central location to cultivate the life sciences ecosystem. However, the RILSH addresses these issues. The ability to organically grow the sector requires foundational support and I believe that public investment in this initiative will yield a return on investment in the future.
5. Some are fearful of AI’s expansion in society while others see it as revolutionary. Where do you fall? To put it simply, artificial intelligence is a tool with a wide range of applications. AI models are already integrated into much of the technology we use daily because they enhance performance and productivity. As AI continues to evolve, it will further increase productivity, leading to output maximization and changes in the work dynamic.